Individual Project -ASOS Survey

Doney Zhou
6 min readAug 2, 2021



The global online shopping rockets dramatically in the last few years especially during the Covid 19, while general global lockdowns changed customers’ consumption behaviours and psychology.

ASOS was founded in 2000 in London, a fashion and cosmetic online retailer ,gained remarkable success in the last 21 years, they mostly focus on the youth market that they made an exceptional effort in price control, design varieties, dimensions and trendy concepts. As one of the top 10 online fashion companies in the world(similarweb, 2021), it needs to collect more information and details to understand the changes, needs and pain points of the their consumers, that they can raise the the customer resonance and competitiveness during this critical time, moreover, every little strategy they make would make a significant impact to the world.

The objective of the survey

According to the some researches I did for the ASOS’s brand audit,I realised there are some negative ethical controversies in environmental and humanitarian concerns in public, in order to understand ASOS’s target segmentation’s emotional and behavioural preferences that ASOS can make better decisions on how much effort they would appropriately put in this improvement, avoid unnecessary wastes and improve the relevant service, furthermore, better understanding of the target audiences may lead to the new opportunities in the innovative production lines, moreover, to build up a better imagery and aligns with the global changes.

The target segment

ASOS purchase consideration, Yougov,(Brophy A,2018)

As shown above, the primary segmentation of ASOS is the female and male from 18–34, which is also the segmentation we focus on in this survey. According to some secondary surveys below, the general environmental and ethical awareness has been gradually increasing all over the world time by time, especially among the target segmentations.The young generation are more likely to choose a brand which represents their values and attitudes.

Interest in sustainable products is growing over time(Gilsenan K 2019)
How supportive are you of sustainable fashion?(Statista,2019)
Ethical Consumption in the UK: Emerging Behaviours in Advanced Economies(Baker H,2018)

The figures above demonstrate the global psychological trends, however we need more comprehensive information to design the further strategies.

ASOS Survey

1,How old are you?(demographics)

Below 18



Over 50

2,What’s your occupation?(demographics)






3,How much money would you spend on clothes in each shopping time?(behavioural)






Over $5000

4,How did you know ASOS?(behavioural)

From Friends







5,What do you care the most while shopping for clothes?(psychographics)


Trendy Design

Product quality


Eco-Friendly Ingredients

Humanitarian Production Lines

Refund Policy


6,Would you choose an Eco- Friendly item at a bit higher price or a general item at a lower price if it’s in the same design?(psychographics)

I prefer the Eco-Friendly item

I prefer lower price one



7,Will it encourage you to shop if you know your shopping can contribute partially to the charity and make the world a better place?(psychographics)

Yes it’s meaningful for me


No I feel no difference


Data Collection

The data can be collected through the registered account on official website and phone application, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, but mostly from emails. In the process of the ASOS register, both birth and email are required, that the segmentation can be easily reached through the direct email.


Question 1, 2, 3 can reveal which segmentation the interviewee belongs to, how important their opinions mean to the development of the company. Question 1, 2 can help the company discover which fashion category should precisely be inserted more Eco friendly elements to maximise the impact, which category can be less emphasised. Question 3 implies the target audiences’ financial situation and education that distinctive level may have distinctive concerns in their consumption behaviours so we can narrow down the target clusters and tailor the relevant services, moreover, it also shows how the company can choose and adjust the products to strengthen the potential further commitment with those segmentations.

Question 4 discloses the audiences’ information platforms’ preferences, combines with the information from Question 2, it can help to decide on the most efficient media or places to convey the brand messages or the positive branding, minimise the spending as well. Furthermore, it brings out the potential channels for further developments

Question 5 shows the target audiences’ primary concerns and the percentage of people who truly puts ethical performance over other components, so that the company can make smarter decisions on the amount of the effort they put in maximising their advantages and minimising their disadvantages.

Question 6,7 can illustrate the potential market and the impact for an ethically healthy and positive brand.conjunct the previous questions that ASOS can basically be informed of their target segmentations’ preferences, how and where to make an improvement and avoid unnecessary waste.


As an advertising photographer, I often put more focus on the design of the photo, but there are more components involved in the service I provide, which include the understandings of the brand, the communication with the clients and relevant workers etc, this course changes my perspectives of seeing and analysing things that I may design solutions in different scenarios in a more efficient and effective way.I start to pay more attention to the comprehensive service I offered instead of just the photo itself, how my clients feel about my service or the studio’s service? What if I wanna promote myself or the creative service the studio offers as a brand? Can I desire a useful questionnaire to my clients in order to get some insights to improve our competition?How we target our segmentations and approach them through some demographic, geographic, psychographic and behavioural data?there are some inspirations to optimise my career.


Similarweb, 2021,Top sites ranking for Fashion And Apparel in the world

(Accessed 31/07/2021)

Brophy A,2018,ASOS — Marketing Week Masters ‘Brand of the Year’,Yougov,10 Oct

(accessed 31/07/2021)

Gilsenan K, 2019, Interest in sustainable products is growing over time

(accessed 31/07/2021)

Statista, 2019, How supportive are you of sustainable fashion?(by age)

(accessed 31/07/2021)

Baker H,2018,Ethical Consumption in the UK: Emerging Behaviours in Advanced Economies

(accessed 31/07/2021)



Doney Zhou
Doney Zhou

Written by Doney Zhou

MA student of the university for creative arts

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